Source code for zope.tal.htmltalparser

# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
Parse HTML and compile to :class:`~.TALInterpreter` intermediate code, using
a :class:`~.TALGenerator`.

# When Python 3 becomes mainstream please swap the try and except parts.
    # Python 2.x
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser, HTMLParseError
except ImportError:
    # Python 3.x
    from html.parser import HTMLParser
        from html.parser import HTMLParseError
    except ImportError:
        # Python 3.5 removed it, but we need it as a base class
        # so here's a copy taken from Python 3.4:
        class HTMLParseError(Exception):
            def __init__(self, msg, position=(None, None)):
                assert msg
                self.msg = msg
                self.lineno = position[0]
                self.offset = position[1]

            def __str__(self):
                result = self.msg
                if self.lineno is not None:
                    result = result + ", at line %d" % self.lineno
                if self.offset is not None:
                    result = result + ", column %d" % (self.offset + 1)
                return result

from zope.tal.taldefs import (ZOPE_METAL_NS, ZOPE_TAL_NS, ZOPE_I18N_NS,
                              METALError, TALError, I18NError)
from zope.tal.talgenerator import TALGenerator

_html_parser_extras = {}
if 'convert_charrefs' in HTMLParser.__init__.__code__.co_names:
    _html_parser_extras['convert_charrefs'] = False  # pragma: NO COVER py34

#: List of Boolean attributes in HTML that may be given in
#: minimized form (e.g. ``<img ismap>`` rather than ``<img ismap="">``)
#: From (C.10)
BOOLEAN_HTML_ATTRS = frozenset([
    "compact", "nowrap", "ismap", "declare", "noshade", "checked",
    "disabled", "readonly", "multiple", "selected", "noresize",

#: List of HTML tags with an empty content model; these are
#: rendered in minimized form, e.g. ``<img />``.
#: From
EMPTY_HTML_TAGS = frozenset([
    "base", "meta", "link", "hr", "br", "param", "img", "area",
    "input", "col", "basefont", "isindex", "frame",

#: List of HTML elements that close open paragraph-level elements
#: and are themselves paragraph-level.
PARA_LEVEL_HTML_TAGS = frozenset([
    "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p",

#: Tags that automatically close other tags.
    "tr": frozenset(["tr", "td", "th"]),
    "td": frozenset(["td", "th"]),
    "th": frozenset(["td", "th"]),
    "li": frozenset(["li"]),
    "dd": frozenset(["dd", "dt"]),
    "dt": frozenset(["dd", "dt"]),

#: List of HTML tags that denote larger sections than paragraphs.
    "blockquote", "table", "tr", "th", "td", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody",
    "noframe", "ul", "ol", "li", "dl", "dt", "dd", "div",

#: Section level HTML tags


[docs]class NestingError(HTMLParseError): """Exception raised when elements aren't properly nested.""" def __init__(self, tagstack, endtag, position=(None, None)): self.endtag = endtag if tagstack: if len(tagstack) == 1: msg = ('Open tag <%s> does not match close tag </%s>' % (tagstack[0], endtag)) else: msg = ('Open tags <%s> do not match close tag </%s>' % ('>, <'.join(tagstack), endtag)) else: msg = 'No tags are open to match </%s>' % endtag HTMLParseError.__init__(self, msg, position)
[docs]class EmptyTagError(NestingError): """Exception raised when empty elements have an end tag.""" def __init__(self, tag, position=(None, None)): self.tag = tag msg = 'Close tag </%s> should be removed' % tag HTMLParseError.__init__(self, msg, position)
[docs]class OpenTagError(NestingError): """Exception raised when a tag is not allowed in another tag.""" def __init__(self, tagstack, tag, position=(None, None)): self.tag = tag msg = 'Tag <%s> is not allowed in <%s>' % (tag, tagstack[-1]) HTMLParseError.__init__(self, msg, position)
[docs]class HTMLTALParser(HTMLParser): """ Parser for HTML. After you call either :meth:`parseFile` and :meth:`parseString` you can retrieve the compiled program using :meth:`getCode`. """ # External API def __init__(self, gen=None): """ :keyword TALGenerator gen: The configured (with an expression compiler) code generator to use. If one is not given, a default will be used. """ HTMLParser.__init__(self, **_html_parser_extras) if gen is None: gen = TALGenerator(xml=0) self.gen = gen self.tagstack = [] self.nsstack = [] self.nsdict = { 'tal': ZOPE_TAL_NS, 'metal': ZOPE_METAL_NS, 'i18n': ZOPE_I18N_NS, }
[docs] def parseFile(self, file): """Parse data in the given file.""" with open(file) as f: data = try: self.parseString(data) except TALError as e: e.setFile(file) raise
[docs] def parseString(self, data): """Parse data in the given string.""" self.feed(data) self.close() while self.tagstack: self.implied_endtag(self.tagstack[-1], 2) assert self.nsstack == [], self.nsstack
[docs] def getCode(self): """ After parsing, this returns ``(program, macros)``. """ return self.gen.getCode()
# Overriding HTMLParser methods def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.close_para_tags(tag) self.scan_xmlns(attrs) tag, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict \ = self.process_ns(tag, attrs) if tag in EMPTY_HTML_TAGS and "content" in taldict: raise TALError( "empty HTML tags cannot use tal:content: %s" % repr(tag), self.getpos()) # Support for inline Python code. if tag == 'script': type_attr = [a for a in attrlist if a[0] == "type"] if type_attr and type_attr[0][1].startswith('text/server-'): attrlist.remove(type_attr[0]) taldict = {'script': type_attr[0][1], 'omit-tag': ''} self.tagstack.append(tag) self.gen.emitStartElement(tag, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict, self.getpos()) if tag in EMPTY_HTML_TAGS: self.implied_endtag(tag, -1) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.close_para_tags(tag) self.scan_xmlns(attrs) tag, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict \ = self.process_ns(tag, attrs) if "content" in taldict: if tag in EMPTY_HTML_TAGS: raise TALError( "empty HTML tags cannot use tal:content: %s" % repr(tag), self.getpos()) self.gen.emitStartElement(tag, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict, self.getpos()) self.gen.emitEndElement(tag, implied=-1, position=self.getpos()) else: self.gen.emitStartElement(tag, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict, self.getpos(), isend=1) self.pop_xmlns() def handle_endtag(self, tag): if self.tagstack and self.tagstack[-1] == 'script' and tag != 'script': self.handle_data('</%s>' % tag) return if tag in EMPTY_HTML_TAGS: # </img> etc. in the source is an error raise EmptyTagError(tag, self.getpos()) self.close_enclosed_tags(tag) self.gen.emitEndElement(tag, position=self.getpos()) self.pop_xmlns() self.tagstack.pop() def close_para_tags(self, tag): if tag in EMPTY_HTML_TAGS: return close_to = -1 if tag in BLOCK_CLOSING_TAG_MAP: blocks_to_close = BLOCK_CLOSING_TAG_MAP[tag] for i, t in enumerate(self.tagstack): if t in blocks_to_close: if close_to == -1: close_to = i elif t in BLOCK_LEVEL_HTML_TAGS: close_to = -1 elif tag in SECTION_LEVEL_HTML_TAGS: for i in range(len(self.tagstack) - 1, -1, -1): closetag = self.tagstack[i] if closetag in BLOCK_LEVEL_HTML_TAGS: break elif closetag in PARA_LEVEL_HTML_TAGS: if closetag != "p": raise OpenTagError(self.tagstack, tag, self.getpos()) close_to = i if close_to >= 0: while len(self.tagstack) > close_to: self.implied_endtag(self.tagstack[-1], 1) def close_enclosed_tags(self, tag): if tag not in self.tagstack: raise NestingError(self.tagstack, tag, self.getpos()) while tag != self.tagstack[-1]: self.implied_endtag(self.tagstack[-1], 1) assert self.tagstack[-1] == tag def implied_endtag(self, tag, implied): assert tag == self.tagstack[-1] assert implied in (-1, 1, 2) isend = (implied < 0) if tag in TIGHTEN_IMPLICIT_CLOSE_TAGS: # Pick out trailing whitespace from the program, and # insert the close tag before the whitespace. white = self.gen.unEmitWhitespace() else: white = None self.gen.emitEndElement(tag, isend=isend, implied=implied, position=self.getpos()) if white: self.gen.emitRawText(white) self.tagstack.pop() self.pop_xmlns() def handle_charref(self, name): self.gen.emitRawText("&#%s;" % name) def handle_entityref(self, name): self.gen.emitRawText("&%s;" % name) def handle_data(self, data): self.gen.emitRawText(data) def handle_comment(self, data): self.gen.emitRawText("<!--%s-->" % data) def handle_decl(self, data): self.gen.emitRawText("<!%s>" % data) def handle_pi(self, data): self.gen.emitRawText("<?%s>" % data) # Internal thingies def scan_xmlns(self, attrs): nsnew = {} for key, value in attrs: if key.startswith("xmlns:"): nsnew[key[6:]] = value self.nsstack.append(self.nsdict) if nsnew: self.nsdict = self.nsdict.copy() self.nsdict.update(nsnew) def pop_xmlns(self): self.nsdict = self.nsstack.pop() _namespaces = { ZOPE_TAL_NS: "tal", ZOPE_METAL_NS: "metal", ZOPE_I18N_NS: "i18n", } def fixname(self, name): if ':' in name: prefix, suffix = name.split(':', 1) if prefix == 'xmlns': nsuri = self.nsdict.get(suffix) if nsuri in self._namespaces: return name, name, prefix else: nsuri = self.nsdict.get(prefix) if nsuri in self._namespaces: return name, suffix, self._namespaces[nsuri] return name, name, 0 def process_ns(self, name, attrs): attrlist = [] taldict = {} metaldict = {} i18ndict = {} name, namebase, namens = self.fixname(name) for item in attrs: key, value = item key, keybase, keyns = self.fixname(key) ns = keyns or namens # default to tag namespace if ns and ns != 'unknown': item = (key, value, ns) if ns == 'tal': if keybase in taldict: raise TALError("duplicate TAL attribute " + repr(keybase), self.getpos()) taldict[keybase] = value elif ns == 'metal': if keybase in metaldict: raise METALError("duplicate METAL attribute " + repr(keybase), self.getpos()) metaldict[keybase] = value elif ns == 'i18n': if keybase in i18ndict: raise I18NError("duplicate i18n attribute " + repr(keybase), self.getpos()) i18ndict[keybase] = value attrlist.append(item) if namens in ('metal', 'tal', 'i18n'): taldict['tal tag'] = namens return name, attrlist, taldict, metaldict, i18ndict